Easy chapstick holder sewing tutorial – great for kids

Easy chapstick holder sewing tutorial

easy chapstick holdereasy chapstick done

easy chapstic holder finished

For this tutorial I have some help from my talented niece Julia. We made this cute little chapstick holder key ring. She did all the steps herself and she is 10. This is a great scrap buster and fat quarter project. Perfect for teachers gift or a thank you gift for all ages. This would also make a great stocking stuffer.
This is a beginner project.
Sewing machine
Marking tool.
Turning tool (optional)
Scrap of cotton fabric
Key ring


Cut 8″ x 3 1/2″ in rectangle

Fold in half lengthwise right sides together and pin.

sew side
Sew with a 1/4″ seam allowance down the long side and across one of the short sides.

turn cornerpivitAs you sew down to the corner leave the needle down lift up the presser foot and turn. Put the presser foot back down and continue sewing.

turning tool
Turn the tube inside out. I love this turning tool

turning tool 1turning tool 2turning tool 3
Press flat.

Turn in the unfinished or raw edge 1/2″

fold over
Fold the sewn edge up 2 3/3″ and pin in place.

pin first side
Sew very close to the edge being sure to back stitch at the beginning and end for strength.

sew with overcast footPin and sew the other side as well.

pin second sideWe used an overcast foot to guide so there was an even distance from the edge. Be careful of the needle placement, it needs to be far left so it doesn’t break. This foot is optional you can absolutely sew with your regular sewing foot.

pin key ring
On the open end fold down about 1/2″ over the key ring.

pin keyring Pin in place.

sewing key ringNext sew in place back stitch at the beginning and end for strength.

easy chapstick done
It’s done and ready to use!

easy chapstick holder useeasy chapstick holdereasy chapstic holder finished